YLE News

Erna Solberg is to consider a proposal to give Finland the peak of Halti mountain in Lapland as a present to make a hundred years of Finnish independence.
July 28, 2016
Salmon fishing disputes that have plagued the Tenojoki river area for decades have risen to the surface once again after hard-line gear restrictions were implemented by Norwegian and Finnish government authorities. Residents of Utsjoki, the northernmost city in Finland, stand sharply divided over the new proposed rules.
July 14, 2016
The nuclear waste disposal firm Posiva Solutions has announced that it will provide assistance to Finnish nuclear power company Fennovoima in disposal of its spent nuclear fuel waste.
June 23, 2016
The revenues of reindeer herding businesses doubled during the last fiscal year mainly because of higher meat prices and lower production costs.
June 07, 2016
When the Kautokeino parish in Norway banned same-sex marriages in its church, sexual and gender minority Sápmi Pride Festival decided to move it’s festival from Inari, Finland to Kautokeino, Norway.
June 03, 2016
An economic barometer survey found that while trade between Finland and Russia contracted again last year – some companies say they see some light at the end of a rather dismal economic tunnel.
May 11, 2016
President Sauli Niinistö has told Yle that there is no automatic link that would require Finland and Sweden to coordinate application for NATO membership. He also said that a decision on whether or not to join NATO would require a referendum in Finland.
May 03, 2016
A new border restriction has been in force for 10 days at Finland’s two Lapland border crossings on the Russian border in a bilateral agreement to clamp down on illegal migration.
April 21, 2016
The population of Finland’s national animal, the brown bear, rose by 15 per cent in the last year, reports the Natural Resources Institute Finland.
April 20, 2016
Businesses and politicians have been too passive in capitalising on the increasing international interest in Finland’s Arctic region, argues a new report by former prime minister Paavo Lippanen.
April 12, 2016
