Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Murmansk Governor Marina Kovtun discuss regional developments in a meeting in the Russian Arctic Commission. Photo:

Government outlines Arctic priority zones

Russian Arctic development will be concentrated around a few special support zones, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says.

«We will take use of a new approach; the establishment of a number of support zones of development», Rogozin said in yesterday’s meeting in the Russian Arctic Commission.

This new approach will facilitate the development of huge Arctic infrastructure projects and significantly intensify shipping along the Northern Sea Route, the high-ranking government official underlined.

The Arctic priority zones were a key point of discussion in yesterday’s meeting in the Russian Arctic Commission, the Murmansk Government informs in a press release.

It is not clear exactly where the new priority zones will be located. However, Murmansk is most likely to be on the list.

The new approach will be integrated in the federal Social and Economic Development Program for the Russian Arctic Zone, a revised version of which will be presented in late April. It is the Ministry of Economic Development which is authoring the program, the Murmansk government informs.

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