Editor-in-chief of 'Novaya Gazeta Europe' and one of the founders of the 'Free University' Kirill Martynov

Video interview (in Russian)

Kirill Martynov: "When rockets fly into the cities of a neighboring country, you can not compromise with your conscience "

Editor-in-chief of "Novaya Gazeta Europe" and co-founder of the Free University Kirill Martynov talks about difficulties faced by Russian media in exile, what independent media can do to oppose Putin's censorship and repression, and why it is necessary to save not only journalism, but also the field of education.

Kirill Martynov came to Kirkenes to meet with representatives of the Norwegian Editors' Association. A year and a half ago, the Barents Observer spoke with Martynov about journalism in exile, but much has changed since then.

Novaya-Europa, like many other independent media outlets, was recognized as a so-called 'undesirable organisation.' The same fate befell the Free University, one of the creators of which is Martynov. In September, a criminal case was initiated against the journalist himself — precisely because of his leadership of an 'undesirable organisation.'

The Barents Observer spoke with Kirill Martynov about the new reality in which journalists and representatives of the academic community work today.

The interview is in Russian.

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