Ivan Safronov is accused of treason and serves a 22-year sentence. Photo: Freesafronov on Instagram

Political prisoner Ivan Safronov to be moved to Norilsk

The journalist that serves a 22 year sentence for treason is reportedly to be sent to the closed north Siberian city.

Supporters of Safronov confirm that the 33 year old man is to be moved from the prison colony in Areiskoye in the Krasnoyarsk region to the far north.

Ahead of the transfer, Safronov was taken to a tuberculosis hospital in Krasnoyarsk for a check. Although he is not believed to be ill. “Ivan is completely healthy, vigorous as before and he says hello to everybody,” his lawyer says to newspaper Kommersant.

The journalist for several years worked for Kommersant before he was hired as adviser in Roscosmos, the state space agency. He was detained in July 2020 and charge with sharing state secrets with the Czech security service. Safronov has rebuffed all allegations and his case is widely seen as politically motivated.

It is not clear why Safronov will transferred to the north Siberian city, but it is not uncommon that Russian prison authorities move inmates between institutions across the country.

Despite the harsh Arctic climate in the area, the prison Colony No 15 in Norilsk is considered a relatively well-provided prison, Kommersant reports.

Norilsk is known as a former GULAG camp and industrial hub for mining and metallurgy company Nornickel. It has several smelters and is one of the most polluted cities on earth.

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