Floating nuclear power station "Akademik Lomonosov" will be ready for operations in Pevek on Russian east Arctic coast in 2019. Photo: Bz.ru

This nuclear power station will serve on remotest Arctic outpost

The floating NPP is more than one year behind schedule, and will start producing power in Pevek on Russia’s east Arctic coast in 2019.

The Baltic Yard, the company builing Russia’s first floating nuclear power station, has agreed with state company Rosnergoatom about the postponed deployment of the installation. The ”Akademik Lomonosov” will be ready for testing only in November 2017, the yard informs in a press release. Production of power will start only in 2019, yard representatives say.

Originally, the floating energy generator was to be completed by the yard in September 2016 and power production start in 2018.

The ”Akademik Lomonosov” will be Russia’s first floating NPP. It will have a production capacity of 70 MW of electric power and 300 MW of heating power, enough to power a city with 200,000 people.

In Pevek, however, there are only about 4700 people.

Russian authorities believe that the floating installation ultimately could replace the Bilibino NPP, the nuclear power plant located in Russia’s far east and planned gradually taken out of service.

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