Russian industry will soon have to pay for emissions, says Minister Donskoy. Photo: Atle Staalesen

”Russia will take measures against climate polluters”

As the Paris 2015 climate summit comes closer, Russia says it will punish its climate gas emitters.

The country, the world’s fourth biggest greenhouse gas emitter, will soon be ready to charge its domestic industry for emissions, Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy says.

The proposal will be presented in the upcoming Paris 2015 climate meeting (COP21), the minister confirms. It includes the setting of a fixed price for emissions, newspaper Vedomosti reports.

By end of year 2016, Russian companies emitting more than 150,000 tons of CO2 per year, will have to submit their emission data to the authorities. By early 2019, the system will include also the companies emitting more than 50,000 tons, the minister says. The economic instrument can be introduced in year 2018, he adds.

Following its major industrial downturn after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia did not have mandator CO2 emission cuts under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol

Following the major drop in the 1990s, Russia’s carbon emissions in 1998–2010 increased by more than 10 percent, and a further came in the years after. In 2009, the country adopted a climate doctrine and in 2010 the Russian government set a target to reduce the energy intensity of the Russian economy by 40 percent by 2020. Speaking is the climate meeting in Doha, Qatar, in 2012, Russia’s chief negotiator Aleksandr Bedritsy confirmed that a 25 percent cut in emissions were scheduled by 2020.

It is believed that Russia in 2013 emitted about two billion tons of climate gases.

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