The new plant will deliver modules for Novatek's planned new LNG projects in the Arctic. Illustration photo:

Governor: Novatek will build plant in Murmansk

The gas company intends to launch construction of offshore platforms in 2019, Governor Marina Kovtun says.

The new yard will produce large-capacity platforms and modules for floating LNG plants in the Arctic, the regional leader says. In a regional government meeting this week, the project got status as strategic investments object. That will provide tax benefits and investments, the government website informs.

«This project will be given the maximum level of support within the frames of the regional investment legislation», Kovtun underlines.

The new yard will be located near the village of Belokamenka, and is to be completed in year 2019.

Reportedly, Novatek is currently in the process of conducting survey works on site.

The project will cost about 25 billion rubles and create 6000 new jobs, Sever Post reports.

Novatek will operate through Kolskaya Verf, a subsidiary established in early 2015. The yard will deliver modules for new projects in and around the Yamal Peninsula. «Our experiences from the Yamal LNG project tell us that it is easier logistically to deliver finished modules to the site», a company representative says to Kommersant.

According to the newspaper, Novatek is in talks with Norwegian engineering major Kværner over the possible development of a floating LNG plant for the Ob Bay.

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