Photo: Atle Staalesen

Norwegians celebrate end of COVID restrictions

Bars and nightclubs are expecting a mass influx of guests as the Nordic country announces a full reopening of society. More than 90 percent of the adult population is now vaccinated.

“The one meter distance rule does no longer apply and we can be together the way we used to,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg said in a press conference on Friday.

“We remove restrictions on the number of people that can assembly in public places and events and there will no no more limitations in restaurants and cultural institutions,” she added.

More than 1,5 years after the COVID-19 came to the country, Norway takes a big step toward normality.

The new rules come into force on Saturday 25th September at 4 pm.

The decision was met by rejoice in the restaurant industry and cultural sector, and a big number of people is this weekend expected to to go party.

Norway has recently experienced a significant drop in the number of new coronavirus cases and only few people are now hospitalised because of COVID. At the same time, the lion’s share of the population is now fully vaccinated.

As of the 24th of September, 90,6 percent of people over 18 have got at least one jab of the vaccine. A total of 83,6 percent have got two jabs, figures from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health show. Also most children over 12 have now gotten one jab.

The country’s health authorities call on municipalities to uphold a high level of preparedness in case of local outbreaks.

The reopening of society comes two weeks after Denmark made a similar decision.

In the course of the pandemic, Norway has had a total of 185 327 cases. Hospitalisation amounts to 5 161 cases, of which 975 in intensive care. 850 people have lost their lives.

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