More Murmanskers prefer Finnish Schengen visa

Finland issued more than twice as many visas than Norway to Murmanskers in August.

Norwegian Consulate General in Murmansk issued 1.587 visas in August, up 43 percent compared with the 1.108 visas issued in August 2010.

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The August increase was even higher at the Finnish consulate branch office in Murmansk. 3.827 visas were issued to citizens from the Murmansk region, up 84 percent compared with the 2.078 visas issued in August 2010.

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While the Norwegian figures include visas issued to citizens from Arkhangelsk, the Finnish figures only counts for people living in the Murmansk region. Arkhangelsk citizens that want visa to Finland apply via the Finnish Consulate General in St. Petersburg.

While nearby all visas issued to Finland were multiple entry visas, Norway still issues loads of single-entry visas. Half of the visas to Norway are so-called Pomor-visas, where the applicants don’t need a prior invitation, while almost all visas issued to Finland are without invitation. This makes it easier for people to apply for a visa to Finland instead of Norway.

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Over the first eight months of 2011, Finland’s consulate branch office in Murmansk issued 25.977 visas. Norway’s Consulate General in Murmansk issued less than half; 12.044 visas.

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