Icons arrive in Severomorsk. Photo: mil.ru

Spiritual relief for Northern Fleet

A plane loaded with icons for the new local cathedral lands in Navy town Severomorsk. Patriarch Kirill will officially open the church house in August.

A military plane with the sacred cargo has landed in Severomorsk-3, the Northern Fleet air field. On board were four icons specially made at the Grekov Studio for Military Artists in Moscow, the Navy informs.

Both Northern Fleet Commander Nikolay Yemenov and Severomorsk Bishop Mitrofan were present to hail the plane.

The icons will be part of the iconostasis in the new St Andrew’s Cathedral in Severomorsk. It will be officially sanctified by Patriarch Kirill in August.

The new cathedral is located in the immediate vicinity of the Northern Fleet headquarters and the port were the Navy vessels are docked, the press release informs.

Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
Photo: mil.ru
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