Governor: Norwegians only waiting for Shtokman

Norwegian businesses are currently investing rather little in Russia – they are all waiting for a decision on the Shtokman project, Murmansk Governor Dmitry Dmitriyenko maintains.

The low Norwegian investment level in Russia is not only connected with the financial crisis, but also with the fact that all Norwegian business is waiting a decision on Shtokman, Dmitriyenko underlined in an interview this week.

-They have reserved certain positions for themselves in Murmansk Oblast, but are ready to develop [only] when the perspectives become absolutely clear, the governor said, a press release from the regional government informs.

The governor talked to the press in connection with a visit to the region by the Norwegian Parliament (Storting) Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence last week.

Meeting with top regional business representatives this week, the governor highlighted the key role of the Shtokman project also for regional industry. He maintained that projects such as Shtokman and the Murmansk Transport Hub will spur development of both traditional and new industries. He especially the development of communication technology, a press release reads.

Read also:Gazprom, Statoil: Shtokman goes according to plan

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