Green power for Kola villages

The two first ever settlements in the Kola Peninsula get autonomous energy supply from local renewable sources.

Villagers in the settlements of Chavanga and Tetrino can cheer as they become the first people in the Murmansk Oblast to get their energy supplies from local green sources.

Regional Governor Marina Kovtun this week officially opened the local power stations which are based on a combination of wind, solar and diesel generation.

The new power generation facilities will be able to provide the about 350 locals autonomously with round-the-clock power supplies, a press release from the Murmansk regional governor informs.

Russian federal and regional authorities have together invested about 105.000 rubles (€1,5 million) in the project which soon also will include the nearby village of Chapoma.

The three villages are all located in the southern part of Murmansk region, on the coast of the White Sea.

The generation stations include ten wind turbines with a 10 kW capacity and another four with 5 kW capacity, six diesel-powered generators and 300 solar panels with a total capacity of 75 kW, the website of the Murmansk government informs.

As illustrated by Patchwork Barents, the regional dataportal, Murmansk Oblast has until now not recorded any power generation from wind or solar power.

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