The Sabetta port will serve the Yamal LNG project. Photo:

«Sabetta on schedule»

I do not have any doubt that the port will be ready by November 2017, leader of Russia’s Sea and River Agency says.

During his recent visit to Yamal, agency leader Viktor Olersky left no doubt about progress in the grand Arctic infrastructure project. On several parameters, the construction is even ahead of plans, Olersky said, a press release from his agency reads.

Along with regional governor Dmitry Kobylkin, Novatek CEO Leonid Michelson and Yamal LNG General Director Yevgeny Kot, Olersky was shown around at the major construction site.

Having seen all the production facilities, he did not have any concern about them being ready for production start-up in November 2017, the Agency informs.

Sabetta will be capable of handling up 30 million tons of goods per year. The Russian government has invested heavily in the Yamal project. More than 47 billion rubles of state money has been invested the Sabetta port and adjacent infrastructure. The project infrastructure also includes the development of a 50 km long sea channel stretching into the peninsula.

In a recent meeting with President Vladimir Putin, Novatek leader Mikhelson, said that as much as three million tons of construction materials were delivered to the project site in the course of 2015.

”A total of 13000 people now work on site”, Mikhelson said, adding that the number will be increased to 18000 as the construction reaches peak time this summer. The number of companies involved amounts to 650, and they come from all over Russia, the Novatek leader said.

The Yamal LNG plant is to deliver a total of 16,5 million ton of liquid gas per year. That will be shipped out from the Sabetta and from there to the world markets both westwards and eastwards along the Northern Sea Route.

The Yamal LNG project is operated by Novatek (50,1%) in cooperation with Total (20%), CNPC (20%) and the Silk Fund (9,9%).

Viktor Olersky was appointed leader of the Federal Sea and River Transport Agency in February 2016. Photo:
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