Railway station in Murmansk.

By 2031, the population of the Murmansk region may decrease by 45 thousand

According to data published by Murmanskstat, last year the region's population decreased by 5.5 thousand people.

The population in the Murmansk region continues to decline, the Arctic Observer reports on Telegram, with reference to the latest statistics from Murmanskstat.

As of 1 January 2024, more than 656,000 people lived in the region. A year later, it was less than 651,000. It is known that in 2024, 379 fewer people were born in the region than in 2023. The number of deaths also decreased by 323 people.

Data MurmanskStat
Data from Murmanskstat

Furthermore, Rosstat published a forecast of the region's population by 2031, if the current trend continues. According to this data, the Murmansk region will have 45,000 fewer people (605.800), with the main reduction occurring among the young people.

Regional authorities in Murmansk have for years had declining population as one its biggest headaches. 'To live in the North!' is the slogan promoting Russia's northern Kola Peninsula, but to little help. People continue to move to the south. 

Let us recall that on 1 January 2020, three months after Andrey Chibis became governor, the population of the Murmansk region was 741.400 people.

However, population decline is a trend all over Russia. According to UN forecasts, by 2100 the country's population will decrease and will be between 74 and 112 million people.

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