Festival preparations are well underway

Kirkenes is preparing for the Barents Spektakel 2012 festival. Stages for performances are being built, concerts are being rehearsed, people are arriving from near and far.

The Barents Spektakel festival is a cultural-political cocktail with contemporary art, performances, literature, theatre, film, seminars and concerts as ingredients, spiced with the current issues related to the Barents Region and the High North in general.

This year’s program includes a French street theatre, North Korean accordionists, Norway’s best live band, a circumpolar conference on indigenous peoples, ceremonial burning of the world’s smallest hotel, open-air dance performances and many, many other exiting events.

Read the program for Barents Spektakel here

The slogan for Barents Spektakel 2012 is “Dare to SHARE”. The questions the festival wishes to shed light on are “Are we ready to share the common territory?” “Are we ready to share resources, values and knowledge?” “How do we treat our partners, allies and competitors in the borderland?” “What guidelines and strategies do we choose to manage the shared territories?”

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