Finland finances labor info point in Petrozavodsk

The new info desk that opens in the Karelian capital will promote movement of labor and students between Russia and Finland.

The info point will assist Karelians on how to find correct information on how to seek jobs or student places in Eastern Finland, reports Helsinging Sanomat.

- The idea is to provide as up-to-date information as possible with regard to Finland’s labour market situation as well as advice to Russian job seekers on the Finnish employers’ requirements”, explains project coordinator Tuire Lehikoinen from the Finnish district North Karelia’s Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.

According to Helsingin Sanomat Russian employees are a significant group among the foreign labour force working in Finland.

This year, by the end of July, more than 1,400 residence permits had been granted to workers coming from Russia.

Most commonly, Russians workers come to Finland to perform seasonal tasks such as berry-picking but some of them have also found employment, for example on construction sites.

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