More wizards than doctors in Russia

Spiritual healers have always been popular in Russia and now the trend has reached the point where Russia has more sorcerers and wizards than medically trained doctors.

The State Duma is now considering a ban on advertisement of occult services and magical healing.

There are about 800.000 wizards and sorcerers in Russia, while the number of medically trained doctors is approximately 640.000, Doctor in Psychology at the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Yurevich told RIA Novosti. The number of real scientists is even lower – only around 400.000.

And a survey from the Levada agency in August found that 20 per cent of Russians have used some sort of occult service, The Moscow News reports.

A bill to ban advertisement of occult and mystical services including sorcery, witchcraft, shamanism and magic has passed the first reading in the Russian State Duma. According to the bill individuals or companies offering faith healing, fortune telling or folk remedies must have an official license.

Interest in the paranormal really took off in the final years of the USSR, when psychic healers Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Allan Chumak became huge stars and drew TV audiences of millions as they demonstrated their sixth senses. Even today shows like “Bitva Ekstrasensov” (Battle of Psychic) enjoy prime time slots on Russian TV.

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