Антидроновые сетки на котельных в Мурманской области.
Anti-drone nets on boiler houses in the Murmansk region.

Murmansk steps up protection against drone attacks

After several attacks by Ukrainian drones, the north Russian region now installs anti-drone nets over boiler houses and other key infrastructure objects. 

Arctic winter is on its way and the far northern region is increasingly concerned about the security of its vulnerable energy and heating infrastructure. 

According to Valery Trofimenko, acting Deputy General Director for Security in energy company Murmanenergosbyt, all boiler houses in the Murmansk region are being provided with protection. 

The protective measures are taken at critically important fuel and energy objects, the company informs on its VK social media page. That includes the installation of anti-drone metal nets over open spaces at production premises and fuel oil storage facilities. In addition, temporary shelters are built for personnel.

Подавитель доронов “Айрат 100”, предназначенный для эффективного и безопасного подавления БПЛА.
Drone jammer 'Ayrat 100', designed for effective and safe suppression of UAVs.

Security company Avangard has been hired to help ensure that UAVs do not attack  the boiler houses. For this purpose, special rapid response teams will be created. They will be equipped with anti-drone technology including radio frequency suppressors, anti-drone guns and UAV detection systems.

The company Murmanenergosbyt is among the key providers of heating to households and industry in the Kola Peninsula. Under the management of the company are boiler houses in the towns of Kandalaksha, Kovdor, Zapolyarny, Severomorsk, and Alexandrovsk.

Metal nets placed over boiler houses are to protect against drone attacks.

The Kola Peninsula houses a number of strategically important military objects, among them the Olenya airbase, which repeatedly has been targeted by Ukrainian drones. The region also has several major industrial companies that extract strategically important  metals and minerals. 

Also the industrial companies worry about drone attacks. In June this year, mining and metallurgy company Nornickel announced that it planned to develop an anti-drone "Iron Dome" over its production facilities and warehouses in Monchegorsk.

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