Alexei Navalny memorial in Kirkenes, arctic Norway. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina

Navalny’s mother struggles to claim his body

The morgue in the arctic town of Salekhard, where presumably the body could be, refused to let her in.

“Early in the morning, Alexei’s mother and lawyers arrived at the morgue. They were not allowed inside. One of the lawyers was pushed out. When asked if Alexei’s body is there, the employees didn’t answer” - Alexei Navalny’s press-secretary Kira Yarmysh wrote this morning on Twitter.

There hasn’t been any official information about where exactly Alexei Navalny’s body is. Meanwhile, journalists of Mediazona analyzed the CCTV cameras that show several prison cars, where journalists suppose Navalny’s body could be transported, moving from Labytnangi town towards Salekhard.

A source also told Novaya Gazeta Europe that Alexei Navalny’s body was in the Salekhard district clinical hospital morgue.

The same source, who is described by Novaya as a paramedic, told journalists that bruises were seen on Navalny’s body including a bruise on his chest which they said was likely indicative of performed CPR.

Where the body of Navalny is and how long it will be there - is the main question for now. Russian officials refuse to disclose probable cause of death to family. Looks like all these questions won’t be answered soon.

“The Investigative Committee informed the mother and the lawyers that the investigation of the death of Navalny has been extended. They don’t say how long it will take. The cause of death is still “unknown. They lie, buy time for themselves and do not even hide it”, Navalny’s press secretary Kira Yarmish wrote in another Tweet today.

Later Kira reported that authorities answered:

“The investigators told the lawyers and Alexey’s mother that they would not give them the body. The body will be under some sort of “chemical examination” for another 14 days”.

On Friday, February 16, 2024, Russian prison services reported that the opposition politician died in the remote Arctic prison camp of Kharp.

According to prison services in the far northern Yamal-Nenets region Navalny started to feel bad after a walk in the prison yard. He fell unconscious and was provided medical aid, the Russian authority informs.

People all over the world, including Kirkenes, arctic Norway, mourn the death of Alexei Navalny and are laying flowers in his memory.

*The article has been updated on Feb 20 at 10:00 to add information about “14 days of “chemical examination”.

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