New military command system in Russia

Russia has completed the creation of four unified strategic commands ahead of schedule, says Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov.

Russia’s former six military districts have been reformed into four bigger joint commands – Southern, Central, Eastern and Western.

President Dmitry Medvedev had set the original date for the reforms to be completed for December 1, but the work is already finished, Serdyukov said according to RIA Novosti.

Command West, with headquarters in Moscow, will control all military personnel and hardware in the Western Military District. The new district will incorporate the former Moscow and Leningrad military districts and the Baltic and Northern Fleets. The Western Joint Command will be led by General-Colonel Arkady Bakhin, who comes from the position as Commander of the Privolzhsky-Ural Military District.

Command South, with headquarters in Rostov, will be in charge of the Southern Military District, which will include the former North Caucasian Military District and the Black Sea Fleet and Caspian Flotilla.

Command Center, with headquarters in Yekaterinburg, will control the Central Military District, including the former Volga-Urals Military District and the western part of the Siberian Military District.

Finally, Command East, with headquarters in Khabarovsk, will have command over the Pacific Fleet, the Far Eastern Military District and the larger part of the Siberian Military District.

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