The latest news headlines from the North, Sunday June 16“The idea of creating an international centre is actively discussed, it has not been removed from the agenda,” says Natalia Golubeva with Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science. Police in Finnmark on Friday fined a tourist for taking a short walk across the border.Researchers at the Finnish Arctic Centre at University of Lapland investigate if, and under what conditions, solar geoengineering can be responsibly tested and how research should be governed.Energy projects in the Russian Arctic are among the main targets of the new sanctions announced by British and U.S authorities. While the Arctic is expected to warm by up to 4 degrees by the mid-century, the East Antarctic ice sheet remains the last standing climate change bastion. So far. The council of Finnish municipality Utsjoki, bordering to Norway, approved ambitious plans for the development of year-round tourism at its meeting this week. May 2024 has been a few degrees warmer than normal. A third vessel of the Jan Mayen class is taken over by the Norwegian Coast Guard. “It is a milestone for our ocean nation,” Navy Chief Oliver Berdal says.

“The idea of creating an international centre is actively discussed, it has not been removed from the agenda,” says Natalia Golubeva with Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science.Police in Finnmark on Friday fined a tourist for taking a short walk across the border.Researchers at the Finnish Arctic Centre at University of Lapland investigate if, and under what conditions, solar geoengineering can be responsibly tested and how research should be governed.Energy projects in the Russian Arctic are among the main targets of the new sanctions announced by British and U.S authorities.While the Arctic is expected to warm by up to 4 degrees by the mid-century, the East Antarctic ice sheet remains the last standing climate change bastion. So far.The council of Finnish municipality Utsjoki, bordering to Norway, approved ambitious plans for the development of year-round tourism at its meeting this week.May 2024 has been a few degrees warmer than normal.A third vessel of the Jan Mayen class is taken over by the Norwegian Coast Guard. “It is a milestone for our ocean nation,” Navy Chief Oliver Berdal says.

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Pyramiden is 50 kilometers north of Longyearbyen and was a Soviet-run mining town until the 1990ties. Russia plans to give rebirth to the settlement, now as an international science and education centre for BRICS countries. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
June 15, 2024
Norway has no physical barrier along its 198 kilometers land border with Russia. Thomas Nilsen
June 14, 2024
Ilona Mettiäinen is an environmental social scientist, and on of three researchers from the Arctic Centre participating in the Co-CREATE project. Photo: Hannah Thulé
June 14, 2024
International sanctions hamper progress in development of Russian Arctic energy projects, among them the Arctic LNG 2. Photo: Belokamenka51 on VK
June 14, 2024
Archives at the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø from the 1930s show unique evidence about the state of climate change. Photo: Norwegian Polar Institute
June 13, 2024
Temperatures are getting warmer in the whole world, including the Arctic. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
June 12, 2024
The Norwegian Coastguard gets its third vessels of the Jan Mayen Class, the KV Hopen. Photo: Vard Group
June 12, 2024

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