Orlov steps down ahead of elections

President Putin has accepted the resignation of Arkhangelsk Governor Igor Orlov. He will continue as acting Governor, preparing the ground for elections in the fall.

The Arkhangelsk Governor met with Putin in Moscow on Friday. At the end of the meeting, the Russian President told Igor Orlov that he would sign the relevant documents, a decree on the resignation and an appointment as acting Governor until the elections in September.

Orlov had to be released from the position in order to take part in the elections.

“I have served in the post for three and a half years and, given the current situation, the situation in which the region we are talking about really have development, confidence of a number of investors, companies coming to us and make their plans for the future,” Orlov told Putin according to the transcripts posted by Kremlin.ru

Orlov’s period as Governor expires in 2017, but with his resignation now and by winning the elections in the autumn, he can stay in office until 2020. Elections period for Governors is five years.

In Arkhangelsk, speculations in media claim re-election of Igor Orlov is important in front of the Parliamentary elections that are coming up later. United Russia would need a strong Governor in Arkhangelsk, and they will get that with Vladimir Putin’s support to Orlov, the information agency Rusnord speculate.

Rusnord also claims there are no strong alternative candidates to Orlov. There is simply not enough time for other candidates to prepare for elections campaign.

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