Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk - International event for home use

The International Arctic Forum which finished in Arkhangelsk last Friday did not bring big sensations.

The International Arctic Forum which finished in Arkhangelsk last Friday did not bring big sensations. The main points of the ambitious Russian Arctic program were rather well-known long time before.

Construction of new ice-breaking fleet secured by 20 billion rubles of state funding during the nearest 3 years; launch of powerful space satellite systems for Arctic navigation and environmental and rescue monitoring; plans for reconstruction of the main Arctic ports; construction of 10 complex bases for rescue operations; further development of the Northern Arctic University as a main basis for training the specialists for the arctic development; - these plans soon are going to obtain legal background and framework when the President will sign the Concept of development of the Arctic Zone of Russia and the Federal Duma adopts the Law on the Northern Sea Route.

Practical realization of these plans can bring Russia unconditional domination in the future transport system in the High North and a glory of Arctic Empire. But the true is that all these ambitious plans have been many times pathetically revealed and officially presented on similar forums and conferences both in Russia and abroad. Another demonstration of Russian ambitions in the Arctic region today is not so much essential for the world to believe in its seriousness.

This cause a feeling that this event proclaimed as international was rather addressed to the Russian population which in the current pre-electoral situation is more important for political establishment.

From the other hand many practical issues that now should be put on the agenda of Arctic policy-makers still stay out of the frames of discussion. First of all it is obvious that raising of Russia as Arctic Empire will be paid from the Federal budget which survives not the best time today.

No one however risks asking if the budget capacities would be equal to the Russian challenges in the Arctic. At least the reaction of the Russian Minister of Finances to numerous strategic initiatives of the Russian Government is recently getting more and more nervous. Another serious point to be discussed on such forums could be an adequacy of the Russian Arctic programs to real demands of country development.

The importance of development of the Northern Sea Route causes no doubts. But so far it is not yet proved by the sufficient grow of cargo flows in the Arctic. No one on the Forum in Arkhangelsk except probably only Felix Tschudi, the owner of Tschudii Shipping company, talked about a necessity to negotiate with the cargo owners like mining, fishing, oil and gas businesses which could provide sufficient and sustainable volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route. Without these cargos all newly built icebreakers, satellites, rescue stations and sea ports have quite a small sense.

Timid attempt of Oleg Chirkunov, the Governor of Perm region, to talk about Belkomur project as a way to provide cargos to the Arctic ports from Polar Urals industrial area did not cause an enthusiasm among the federal officials and brought no discussions. This case however did not disturb the festive atmosphere of the Forum consecrated by the presence of the Russian Prime-Minister Vladimir Putin, his close friend Prince of Monaco Albert II, the President of Iceland Mr. Grimsson and other representatives of great Arctic countries.

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