Russia to establish Arctic oil spill centres

- We must set up centers to deal with – God forbid – oil spills, says Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Just weeks after the first super tanker set speed record on Northern Sea Route, Russia’s Emergency Minister urges for better environmental protection in the Arctic.

The super tanker “Vladimir Tikhonov” speeded along the north coast of Siberia loaded with 120.000 of gas condensate for Southeast Asia. The vessel started its voyage in northern Norway. The super tanker used only seven and a half day from the Kara Gate to the Bering Strait.

Read also: More traffic along the Northern Sea Route

- We will need navigation safety projects and bases to deal with all kinds of tasks, from fuelling and navigation to communication systems and rescue, Sergei Shoigu said at a RIA Novosti press-conference this week.

- Russia will gradually expand its presence in the region as retreating Arctic ice extends the period when the Northern Sea Route remains ice-free, he said.

Read also: - Russia is not ready for Arctic oil

The environmental safety question will be a key-issue when Russia’s second international Arctic Forum takes place in Arkhangelsk next week.

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