Nordic soldiers will get same uniform
By 2020 all military personnel in the Nordic countries will have the same combat uniform system.
Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway are cooperating to develop the Nordic combat uniform system (NCU) – a combat uniform meant for all types of service - army, navy, air force, home guard and special forces in all four countries.
The new uniforms are to be as simple and light as possible, designed purely for battlefield criteria. It is an inner to outer combat uniform system (from top to toe), which is functional in varying conditions; arctic, tropical and desert. It should fit for both male and female soldiers.
The new uniforms will be cheaper to plan and purchase with four countries sharing the costs.
The project is part of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). There will be a meeting with interested suppliers in Copenhagen later this month. First delivery of the new uniforms are planned to take place in 2019, NORDEFCO writes.