Atle Staalesen

Climate change and subsequent melting of permafrost gives major erosion along Russia’s Arctic coasts.
November 10, 2015
The leading Russian oil companies are postponing the launch of another 29 development projects, among them in the Arctic.
November 10, 2015
New Nenets fields are coming into production. That will give bigger regional output and subsequent more out shipments through Arctic waters.
November 09, 2015
Federal authorities have halted financing of the new military base at Cape Schmidt.
November 06, 2015
The Arctic region planned to become a leader in Russian aquaculture development. Now, massive fish death, bankruptcies and billions of lost investments are putting the industry on its knees.
November 06, 2015
Flares light up the Arctic sky over Kola Peninsula as aquaculture farmers put fire to rotten salmon. This week, one of the key companies said enough is enough and declared itself bankrupt.
November 05, 2015
