"Sevmorput" has for more than two weeks been sailing zig-zag outside the Angolan port of Luanda. Screenshot from MarineTraffic.com

Mechanical failure leaves Russia's new Antarctica station stranded outside Angola

The 32-year old nuclear-powered container ship "Sevmorput" has an unexplained breakdown causing restricted maneuverability. The ship has sailed zig-zag outside port in Angola for more than two weeks.

Something bad happened with the power transfer, marine shaft or propellers on the 260 meters long ship sailing south in the Atlantic in mid-October.

Speed was reduced on October 16 or 17. Sailing zig-zag for a day, then turned north like she was heading home, before a day later again sailing south at a reduced speed of 6-7 knots. The voyage continued along the coast of Africa, but for the last two weeks, “Sevmorput” has stayed just outside the Angolan port of Luanda. All time sailing zig-zag at the same reduced speed.

“Sevmorput “at her home base Atomflot in Murmansk. Photo: Thomas NilsenThe icebreaker “Kapitan Dranitsyn”. Photo: Thomas NilsenRussia’s new Vostok-II research station was displayed in St. Petersburg before departure earlier in October. “Sevmorput” in the background. Photo: Roshydromet
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