George Soros and his Open Society Foundation were kicked out of Russia in late 2015. Photo: Wikipedia, Niccolò Caranti

Soros books burning

Publications issued by George Soros' Open Society Foundation are set ablaze in the Komi Republic. The book fires come just few months after the liberal foundation was banned from Russia.
января 13, 2016


The Komi regional Ministry of Education and Youth Policy confirms that the Soros books are removed and destructed several places in the republic, Kommersant reports.

In the city of Vorkuta, the librarian in the local College of Mining and Economy says 53 books from the foundation were recently carried out in the backyard and there put on fire. The publications are part of the library’s outdated materials, librarian Yelena Vasilieva says to 7-7-journal.

The two branches of Soros’ charity network—the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation were in November last year banned from Russia.

The activities of the foundation are considered as «a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state», a government statement said.


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