The by far biggest group of new immigrants to Murmansk are Ukrainians. Photo: Atle Staalesen

Ukrainian ”compatriots” moving to Murmansk

Never before has so many countrymen from Ukraine moved to our region, authorities in Murmansk say.
января 26, 2016


According to the Murmansk regional government, almost 2300 ”compatriots from Ukraine” moved to the region in 2015.  That is the biggest number on record, a press release reads.

In 2014, the number of immigrants from the neighboring former Soviet countries was 2,3 times less than in 2015 and in 2013 – as much as 11 times less, figures from the authorities show. Ukrainians accounted for 89 percent of the immigrants. The other nationalities were Armenians, Azeris, Moldovans and Kazakh.

Reportedly, as many as 60 percent of the immigrants have already found employment in the region.

It is believed that a great number of the immigrants come from the war-torn areas in Eastern Ukraine.


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