Karlsson approaching the finish line in Alta. Photo: Davina Muller/Finnmarksløpet

Swede wins Finnmarksløpet

Petter Karlsson from Sweden today became the first foreigner to win the 1000 km long sled dog race Finnmarksløpet.
марта 11, 2016


Karlsson, who comes from Slussfors in Västerbottens County, Northern Sweden, participated in Finnmarksløpet for the third time. The 1000 kilometers long race from Alta to Kirkenes and back again took him and his dogs a little more than six days. He crossed the finish line more than one hour before number two, Marit Beate Kasin from Norway, the race’s website reads.

Since the first race was arranged in 1981, only Norwegians have won the race, according to Wikipedia. This year’s 1000 km race gathered 42 participants from Norway, Sweden, UK, Scotland, Germany and Finland.


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