Russian Kilo-class diesel-electric submarine. Photo: Thomas Nilsen

Russian Kilo-class sails surfaced through NATO anti-submarine exercise

The Kilo-class “Vladikavkaz” is en route to St. Petersburg from the Kola Peninsula.

On Tuesday, NATO kicks off its annual anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Mongoose in the Norwegian Sea west of Andøya, northern Norway.

Six frigates, ten aircraft and several submarines from Canada, United States, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom, as well as host nation Norway participate in the drill that will last until July 14th.

Among the ships are NATO’s Standing Maritime Group One (SNMG1), which are sailing north directly after completing the annual Baltic Operations (BALTOPS). The navy group consists of U.S. flagship guided-missile destroyer “USS Gravely”, British frigate “HMS Westminster” and Turkish frigate “TCG Gokova”, NATO informs.

Simultaneously as the NATO will exercise anti-submarine warfare, the Russian Northern Fleet submarine “Vladikavkaz” has sailed out from Polyarny on the Kola Peninsula and is right now en route south towards St. Petersburg where she will take part in the annual Naval Parade.

Rossiskya Gazeta quotes head of the Northern Fleet’s press-service, Vadim Serga, saying “Vladikavkaz” will sail in surface position all way through the Barents- and Norwegian Seas.

Also, during the transition, the diesel-electric submarine will practice rescue exercise.

In March, news agency Interfax reported that in addition to the diesel-electric Kilo-class submarine, also a nuclear-powered submarine from the Northern Fleet would sail to St. Petersburg for the naval parade. The report did not specify which submarine, and no further information has been made public.

Over the last few years, the Northern Fleet has sailed a nuclear-submarine to the naval parade in St. Petersburg.

Last year, the Oscar-II class “Orel” participated and in 2017, the Typhoon class “Dmitry Donskoy” became the largest submarine ever to sail into the Baltic Sea. Both submarines sailed in surface position while in transition along the coast of Norway.

Additional to “Vladikavkaz” will several other navy ships from the Northern Fleet be in St. Petersburg, including the newest frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” which recently will sail across the Atlantic from a recent visit to China and Cuba.

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