Vladislav Salyavin (left), Azat Sadykov and Roman Dyo come from the far northern Pechenga region and are suspected of war crimes against Ukraine. Photo collage by the Barents Observer

WANTED by Kyiv: war criminals from the Russian Arctic border town of Zapolyarny

Vladislav Salyavin is one of several men from the Russian borderland to Norway and Finland that are wanted for war crimes committed in Ukraine.

The 32 year old man looks like most other locals from Zapolyarny. He has a small flat in one of the many Soviet-era housing blocks. He is married and has a young son. He travels on holiday by train to the Black Sea.

But Vladislav Salyavin has done evil that hardly will allow him to return the quiet normality of a small town dweller. The man from Zapolyarny is soldier in an aggressive war. And like thousands of fellow warriors fighting Russia’s illegal and bloody onslaught, he has committed serious crimes against the people of Ukraine.

Vladislav Salyavin is a military man. Photo from his personal Facebook page

According to Ukrainian authorities, Salyavin has been directly involved artillery strikes on civilian housing quarters in the Kharkiv region. The number of deaths and injuries inflicted by Salyavin on the local population is unclear.

But judging from the Ukrainian side, the level of suffering is significant. In late June 2022, Salyavin was included in a list of wanted war criminals.

The list was established with support from President Volodymyr Zelensky, and by late August 2023 it included 1877 individuals. And more names are added continuously.

Vladislav Salyavin is wanted by the Ukrainians. They already have his home address, his military service number, passport number, telephone number and more, and they request information about his whereabouts. People that has information about Salyavin are requested to take contact through a special bot on Telegram.

Judging from the social media page of his wife, he was back home in Zapolyarny in early May this year. He also got a brief leave in October 2022. On photos, he is seen dining out in one of the local restaurants with his son, and walking in the local streets of Zapolyarny.

Vladislav Salyanov with his son during a home visit to Zapolyarny in May 2023. Photo: personal page on social media VK

Salyavin serves as junior sergeant and commander of an artillery unit in the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade. He is not the only soldier from the heavily militarised border towns in the Kola Peninsula that is wanted by Ukraine for war crimes.

On the list are at least seven soldiers from the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade, and several of them have home addresses in Zapolyarny and other nearby settlements.

Azat Sadykov is wanted by Ukraine. He is reported missing in action. Photo: social media VK

Among them is Azat Sadykov, who has a home address in the town of Pechenga. Sadykov originally comes from Tyumen in western Siberia. He was sent to Ukraine in the very start of the invasion and served as corporal and driver and mechanic. He was fighting in the Kharkiv region and was reported missing by relatives in May.

Sadykov comes from a military family. His brother Rauf Sadykov is a prominent and highly decorated veteran from the war in Afghanistan.

According to the Ukrainian list of war criminals, the current status of Azat Sadykov is uncertain. He might be among the tens of thousands that have vanished in the course of the war.

Roman Dyo is wanted by Ukraine for involvement in war crimes. Photo: social media VK

The same applies for Roman Aleksandrovich Dyo, a junior sergeant and weapons commander for the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade. The 33 years old man has been serving on a contract for the brigade since 2018. He originally comes from the Volgograd region, but has his current registered home address in Luostary near Zapolyarny.

According to the Ukrainians, Roman Dyo has been “directly participating in fighting action on the territory of Kharkiv region as part of a tactical battalion under the 200th separate motorized rifle brigade.

The brigade that is based in the Pechenga area has had serious losses in the war. According to a Norwegian intelligence report published in February 2023 only about one fifth of the brigade’s former capacities remains intact and up to 1,500 men have been killed.

Among the ones killed is Dinar Khametov, a lieutenant colonel that commanded a rocket artillery division. Also Khametov is on the Ukrainian list of war criminals. He was born in Tatarstan, but had his last registered home address in Zapolyarny. It is not clear whether his wife and three small children are still in the north Russian town.

A number of soldiers from the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade in Pechenga are suspected of war crimes against Ukraine. Photo: Atle Staalesen

The war against Ukraine might initially have seemed far away for locals in Zapolyarny and the Pechenga region. But the heavy engagement in war action by servicemen from the two local brigades, the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade and the 61st Naval Infantry Brigade, has brought the tragedy into the homes and lives of the Russian northerners.

It is not clear how many men from the Kola Peninsula that have been killed in Ukraine, but the Barents Observer has the names of at least 120 people. Some of them are described with photos in an article with slideshows. At least 17 residents from the Pechenga region have been killed.

Among them is Leonid Belyakov who was killed in the very first days of the Russian onslaught. He was serving as a driver for the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade. He came from the town of Nikel.

In fall 2022, Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Kosarev was killed. Following his death he was awarded the St.George’s Order for bravery and courage. He came from Zapolyarny.

Shortly later, Sergei Korneev, Artur Rarykin and Andrei Ukhov from Nikel was killed.

Aleksandr Gaukhman, Andrei Kolesnikov, and Maksim Salnikov and Nikolai Ulyanov from Zapolyarny, Nikel and Pechenga respectively were killed in service for the mercenary Wagner Group.

In June 2023, two men that normally worked in the nickel mines in Zapolyarny were killed. Aleksandr Martynov and Mikael Aliev were workers for the Nornickel company in the Severny-Gluboky mine. Also Andrei Prokhorov used to work for Nornickel. He was driver from Zapolyarny and was killed in early April this year.

Local authorities in Zapolyarny and the Pechenga region continue to express staunch support for the war against Ukraine. Local Mayor Andrei Kuznetsov has decorated his private van with a large “Z” and nurses close contact with military leaders from the two local brigades. The municipal website and social media almost daily shares patriotic contents and encourage local men to sign up for military service.

“Every local in the Pechenga region know that our men, the soldiers from the two military brigades, protect our country in the special military operation. They fight decently, with honour and bravery,” Kuznetsov writes.

At least 17 men from the far northern Pechenga region are reported killed in Ukraine. See the slideshow:

Leonid Belyakov served as a driver for the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade. He came from the town of Nikel.
Maksim Salnikov came from the town of Nikel. He served in the Wagner Group and was killed in the battle over Bakhmut in April 2023.
Nikolai Ulyanov came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in May 2023
Artur Rarykin came from Nikel. He served as sailor in the Northern Fleet and was killed in May 2023.
Vladimir Ivanov came from Nikel. He was killed in spring 2023
Andrei Baranov came from Nikel and served as junior sergeant. He was killed in spring 2023.
Andrei Prokhorov came from Zapolyarny and used to work as driver for the Nornickel mining company. He was killed in early April 2023.
Nikita Sidyakin came from Zapolyarny. He was killed in April 2022.
Andrei Ukhov came from Nikel. He was killed in June 2023.
Dinar Khametov used to live in Zapolyarny. He was a highly decorated officer in the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade and was killed in November 2022.
Mikhail Kosarev came from Zapolyarny.
Andrei Kolesnikov came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in November 2022.
Aleksandr Gaukhman came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in March 2023.
Andrei Chistyakov came from Zapolyarny. He was killed in March 2023.
Sergei Korneev came from Nikel. He was killed in March 2023.
Mikael Aliev (left) used to live in Zapolyarny where he worked as miner for Nornickel. He was killed in June 2023
Aleksandr Martynov (right) came from Zapolyarny and used to work in the local nickel mines. He was killed in early summer 2023.
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