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School No 10 in the north Russian Navy city has put up photos and memorial plates of the 1st rang captain that served many years in the Kola Peninsula before he was appointed to Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet and was killed in the battles over Mariupol.
October 30, 2023
According to Sergei Lavrov's men in Moscow, the adjustment of a Russian wreath at the local war monument in Kirkenes, northern Norway, is an "act of vandalism" and an expression of "russophobia."
October 27, 2023
Despite repeated warnings from local authorities, Russian diplomat Nikolai Konygin showed up at the war monument in the Norwegian border town to lay down a wreath "to the memory of warriors and liberators that fell in the battle against Nazism."
October 25, 2023
In the center of Zaozersk now stands a monument shaped in steel by the letters Z, V and O, the symbols of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
October 24, 2023
Local Russian authorities on the territory that previously was named Petsamo pay tribute to the Soviet troops that seized the area in October 1944.
October 23, 2023
Amid growing tensions with Helsinki, Moscow now put an end to a deal supposed to support regional cooperation across borders.
October 22, 2023
The new regional government of Hans-Jacob Bønå does not want any official Russian representatives at next year's 80-year anniversary of Soviet liberation of East Finnmark. A similar political shift has come to the border town of Kirkenes, where a new mayor intends to scrap cooperation with neighbouring Russian region of Pechenga.
October 10, 2023
The lawyer of the former Wagner warrior says the man was not planning a return to Russia. "He only wanted to visit the Norwegian-Russian border areas in connection with a documentary project."
September 23, 2023
Sergei Lavrov on Monday informed the other members of the Barents Cooperation about the withdrawal from the official structures where Russia has been frozen out since the start of the all-out war against Ukraine.
September 18, 2023
North Russian Governor Andrei Chibis this week made a second visit to the Ukrainian town on the Azov Sea coast. Not long ago, Primorsk was under heavy bombardment by Ukrainian forces.
September 14, 2023
The Orthodox crosses raised in the neighbouring Norwegian and Russian Arctic archipelagos are both devoted to Georgy the Victorious, the saint seen in Russia as the protector of warriors.
September 13, 2023
On a cold morning in late January, the relatives of Vasily Taleev assembled to say a last farewell. The 33 years old soldier was the third man from the Nenets village of Nelmin Nos killed in Ukraine.
September 07, 2023
About 85 percent of the kids in the local north Russian school have fathers fighting in the war.
September 04, 2023
The Russian Orthodox metropolitan that has called Russia's war against Ukraine a 'battle with Anti-Christ' pays a visit to the church located only few meters from Norway.
August 07, 2023
Research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov is on its way from St.Petersburg to waters near the North Pole where it will re-equip the "Severny Polyus-41."
August 02, 2023
A criminal case was opened against Lidia Prudovskaya from the town of Mirny in Arkhangelsk region following her anti-war social media posts. Both her two children were summoned to testify against her.
August 01, 2023
"Good-bye my angel, good-bye my warrior," local politician Maria Serebrenikova writes in a social media post about her killed spouse.
July 28, 2023
Harassment, fines, and prosecutions are just some of the tactics authorities use across Russia to silence eco-activists. Whistleblower Aleksandr Peskov was detained for two days for filming at Shiyes, a proposed massive landfill project in Arkhangelsk region for trash from Moscow.
July 27, 2023
Assistance to the “sponsored” republics, payments to the mobilized and their families and the purchase of housing for Ukrainian refugees make up an incomplete list of expenses incurred by Russian regions because of the war in Ukraine. The Barents Observer has calculated that the northern regions earmark hundreds of millions of rubles in their deficit budgets for the “special military operation”.
July 25, 2023
Russia’s Foreign Ministry called on the Finnish Ambassador and delivered a “strong protest” against the “confrontational anti-Russia policy” pursued by Helsinki.
July 06, 2023
"The flight ban for Russian nationals include drone flights," the Supreme Court says in its ruling on Friday. With the decision, the case will be sent back to the district court in Tromsø.
June 30, 2023
The ultra-conservative member of Russia's upper house of parliament has threatened with pointing Russian guns against Finland following its inclusion in NATO. This week, Konstantin Dolgov got the President's Medal for Service to the Motherland.
June 27, 2023
Russian authorities build a so-called 'memorial garden' in Pechenga next to the cemetery that houses many of Hitler's troops killed in the 2WW attack on Murmansk.
June 26, 2023
The Russian Arctic region, whose governor is under international sanctions for abducting Ukrainian children, will this summer bring more than 230 school kids from the occupied town of Primorsk to Russia.
June 14, 2023
Consulates across Europe and Russia are hit by a wave of closure as diplomatic relations worsen.
June 12, 2023
