Illustration photo: Thomas Nilsen

Tromsø makes ready for port call by U.S. Navy nuclear sub

No-fly zone activated for May 10 to 12 over the dedicated harbor where a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered submarine will make port call.

Moscow is unhappy and the municipality council in Tromsø has voted against allowing nuclear-powered submarines to make port calls.

However, Norway gives green light for the use of Tønsnes harbor facility just north of Tromsø for allied submarines with reactor propulsion. The new security situation in Europe, including in the north, requires closer naval cooperation between NATO members.

Keeping track of the Russian Northern Fleet’s submarines sailing out from the Kola Peninsula to the North Atlantic is a priority. On Friday, Russia’s by far most advanced nuclear-powered multi-purpose submarine, the “Kazan”, was finally handed over to the navy from the Sevmash shipyard who had spent nearly 12 years to built the vessel. Seven similar subs are currently under construction in Severodvinsk.

Typically, an American submarine on a mission in the Norwegian Sea would not want to sail all way south to Haakonsvern near Bergen or to a naval base in the United Kingdom to put on shore a crew member or pick up some new devices or supply. Surfacing near the area where the cat-and-mouse hunt with the Russians takes place saves time.

Norway’s Defense Minister, Frank Bakke-Jensen, argues that it is better and safer for a submarine to make a port call than to change crew in open waters.

The civilian municipal Tønsnes port north of Tromsø will facilitate nuclear-powered submarines on short visits. Photo: Thomas Nilsen

In recent years, NATO submarines have been inshore Norwegian waters 3 to 4 times per month. The majority is up north, as previously reported by the Barents Observer.

Last August, the “USS Seawolf” conducted a brief stop in the fjord near Tromsø for personnel change before sailing out to waters inside the Arctic Circle.

The U.S. Navy operates three classes of multi-purpose submarines. The oldest and most numerous are the Los Angeles class subs from the 1980s, while the Seawolf and Virginia classes are more modern. In total, the U.S Navy operates 54 multi-purpose nuclear-powered submarines divided on naval bases on both the east coast and west coast, according to a 2016 report by the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment.

Eastcoast-based submarines are the ones most likely to appear inshore Norwegian waters. American ballistic missile submarines are not sailing outside the coast of northern Norway.

All American, British and French submarines have one reactor each.

Since the late 1980s, multi-purpose submarines have under normal circumstances not been sailing with any nuclear weapons on board. Norway’s self-imposed restrictions, aimed to calm down Russia, says no nuclear weapons can be onboard planes or warships visiting Norway.

Map: Barents Observer / Google maps / Photo: U.S. Navy

The first NATO submarine to visit Tønsnes port will arrive soon.

A NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) is currently activated for May 10 to 12 in a one nautical mile radius around the port facilities. The attached description says exemptions to the no-fly zone are made for medics-aviation, military, police, and search- and rescue.

If these precautions are activated because a nuclear-powered NATO submarine is expected Monday or Tuesday next week is not confirmed, but highly likely. Norway’s military officials don’t have a tradition for pre-announcing allied military moves. This time, however, the Armed Forces invite the media to attend a briefing “in regards to the arrival of an American submarine.”

The press-briefing takes place at the harbor on Sunday May 9th.

The Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) has not replied to questions from the Barents Observer about the matter.

It is the DSA that is in charge of granting formal permissions for vessels running on nuclear power to enter inshore Norway. The Ministry of Defense grants permission for foreign warships to visit Norwegian ports.

The temporary restricted area activated for the period May 10 to 12 in a one nautical mile radius around the port of Tønsnes just north Tromsø. Screenshot from
CLICK ON IMAGE FOR GALLERY OF ALL PHOTOS: The port call by USS New Mexico to this municipal harbor in Tromsø is the first of many NATO submarines to change crew and get supplies in the years to come. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
USS New Mexico surfaced early Monday morning outside Troms, northern Norway. Here sailing Lenangen en route to Tromsø. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Norwegian military guards at the port of Tønsnes, some 10 kilometers north of Tromsø city center. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Tønsnes port is a civilian municipal port in Tromsø with military guards during the visit of the American nuclear-powered submarine. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
During May 10 to 12, the port of Tønsnes is heavily guarded and there is a no-fly zone in a radius of 1 nautical mile. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Fresh air for the crew for first time after weeks of underwater patrol. Here north of Tromsø Monday morning. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Norwegian special navy forces dive near the port of Tønsnes to secure the waters before the arrival of the American nuclear submarine. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
The USS New Mexico (SSN 779) is of the Virginia class fast attack submarines. The 115 meters long vessel has a crew of 130 and is powered by one reactor. The sub was commissioned in 2010 as the sixth in its class, which so far consists of 19 vessels. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
The US submarine is escorted inshore by the Norwegian Coast Guard. Photo: Kystvakten
This is the first time an NATO nuclear-powered submarine makes port call to a civilian harbor in northern Norway. The guarding and security is comprehensive. In the future, Tønsnes port near Tromsø will have some 3 to 4 port calls by nuclear subs annually, the Norwegian Defense officials inform. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
The Virginia-class USS New Mexico. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Tønsnes harbor just north of Tromsø is a civilian municipal harbor where Norway has given green light for NATO submarines to dock. Photo: Helene Sofie Thorkildsen/Forsvaret
Photo: Jonny Karlsen / Forsvaret
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