Thomas Nilsen

Drifting ice camp Barneo at 89° North is rebuilt every year in late March, but have you ever wondered what happens to all fuel barrels and bulldozers flown in to facilitate the airfield on the ice?
February 25, 2020
But in 2020 the number is again expected to rise as Norway now allows for dual citizenship.
February 18, 2020
The world’s only civilian nuclear-powered cargo ship will later this year bring construction material to the coast of Antarctic aimed for Russia’s research station Vostok in inland Princess Elizabeth Land.
February 15, 2020
“As normal there are no evidence, just general speculations,” the Embassy writes in a statement to the Barents Observer.
February 13, 2020
“We should expect development and testing of new, advanced weapons systems in the areas east of Norway. Several of these will have nuclear propulsion systems,” said Director of the Norwegian Intelligence Service, Lt. Gen. Morten Haga Lunde.
February 11, 2020
Kremlin seeks to exploit any issue that can create split, said Lt. Gen. Morten Haga Lunde when presenting the Intelligence Service’s 2020 review of security threats to Norway.
February 10, 2020
“The tourists care about their green impact, so the business is obvious,” says Agnes Árnadóttir, co-founder of the Polar tour operator that sails towards an emission-free future.
February 04, 2020
2019 became the year when hotels in Tromsø in average earned more per room than hotels Oslo. Winter tourism is a major reason.
February 02, 2020
21,880 border crossings were counted in January.
February 02, 2020
The travel industry goes green and the north is no exception when tour-busses aims for zero emission.
February 02, 2020
